Working Together

We recognise the primary role that families have in the education of their children.  Parents are children’s first teachers and they continue to influence their learning and development during the school years.

At Glendale Primary School, we appreciate the tremendous trust you have placed in us to nurture and teach your children and to provide the educational foundations for their future. This is why it is important for us to work in partnership with you, your children and the school community.

Research demonstrates that effective schools have high levels of parental and community involvement. This involvement is strongly related to improved student learning, attendance and behaviour.

We want to encourage positive, sustainable and effective partnerships between all members of the school community, including teachers, families and students.

In doing so we:

  • Recognise the valuable contribution of all
  • Provide families with opportunities to contribute to school decision making and governance
  • Respect student needs and preferences
  • Address barriers to involvement in schools by families

Our aim is to create better programs, opportunities and learning for our students and build an engaged, connected school community.

There are many ways to become involved in your children’s school life: from helping out in the classroom to serving on the School Board.  If you’d like to become involved but are not sure where to start, chat to our Admin Team or office staff.  You can also contact one of the friendly members of the Parents and Citizens Association or pop in and talk to the school chaplain about opportunities to join in the school community.